Speedway Children's Charities is dedicated to helping our next generation exceed expectations and ensuring every child has the same opportunities, no matter the obstacles they face. Our organization is dedicated to caring for children to help them lead productive lives. Through our various events and activities, we strive to raise funds and provide grants to nonprofit children's organizations in the Sonoma County community. In 2024, SCC Sonoma distributed $180,000 to local organizations.


You are eligible to apply for funding from the Sonoma Chapter of Speedway Children's Charities if you are an existing 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity whose primary focus is children in the Sonoma County area. Priority consideration will be given to organizations helping the homeless, orphan and foster population, and victims of sex trafficking. Below are the pillars we focus on during the grant process:

  • Critical: victims of sex trafficking, homeless, orphans, foster population, food insecurity
  • Medical: illness, dental, disability, therapy
  • Educational: tutoring, literacy, after school programs

All applications will receive consideration, and all eligible organizations are encouraged to apply.

SCC does not fund capital projects or funding for operation costs (including salaries for any position).

2025 Grant Cycle

February - July: Our 2025 SCC Sonoma Grant Application period is open late February and will close on August 1, 2025 at midnight. Eligible organizations must complete an online application to be considered for a SCC Sonoma grant. Organizations whose applications are accepted will be contacted and asked to submit additional information for the second-round review. Only organizations that complete both phases of the application process on time will be considered for funding.  If you miss a deadline, we will be unable to accept your application.

August - October: The initial process for the 2025 grant cycle has ended. Applications selected for the second-round review will be notified once initial review has concluded. Only organizations that complete both phases of the application process will be considered for funding. Once your organization is accepted into round 2, SCC will request the documentation listed below.

  • IRS 501© (3) Verification
  • Organization’s Financials
  • List of Board of Directors
  • Mission Statement
  • Organizational Chart
  • Budget Tracker Worksheet (provided by SCC upon notification of round 2 acceptance)

You will have one week to submit further documentation. An organization must submit its paperwork on time to progress in the grant process.

October - November: If your organization is selected to move forward into round 2 and all required documentation is submitted on time, an SCC Trustee will visit your nonprofit in person to conduct a site visit and thorough interview of your organization.

November/December: By the first full week of December, or sooner, each approved organization will be contacted with an invite to our Grant Ceremony in December.  Each approved organization is required to attend the celebration. You must send an organization representative to the ceremony to receive funding.

If you have any questions regarding the 2025 grant cycle, please email Courtney Kiser at [email protected].

Earl Broderick "Building Futures" Grant

Speedway Children's Charities Sonoma is proud to continue a specialized grant, in tribute to the late Earl Broderick of Broderick Engineering (Sonoma, CA). The Earl Broderick "Building Futures" Grant will award an annual grant of $25,000 to (1) Sonoma County youth-based 501(c)(3) non-profit with a focus on STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics) education and/or a program designed to support and guide youth to achieve a career in a STEAM-related field.

In order to qualify, the program must already be funded and in effect. Proposals for potential programs will not be considered, although the grant can support additional needs/opportunities for an existing program.

Organizations can apply for both an SCC Sonoma general grant and the Earl Broderick "Building Futures" Grant in the same calendar year.

The Earl Broderick "Building Futures" Grant application cycle is currently open through midnight on August 1, 2025.


While it is not mandated that every grant applicant volunteer for a Speedway Children's Charities event, it is highly encouraged. The Board of Trustees feels it is essential for our grant partners to support our mission by volunteering with SCC during the 2025 calendar year.

We love supporting our community and look forward to reviewing the excellent work you all are doing in our community!