SCC Bristol Grant Application Header

You are eligible to apply for funding from the Bristol Chapter of Speedway Children's Charities if you are an existing 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity whose primary focus is children in our 18 county service area. Priority consideration will be given to organizations helping the homeless, orphan and foster population, and victims of human trafficking. Below are the pillars we focus on during the grant process:

  • Critical: victims of sex trafficking, homeless, orphans, foster population, food security
  • Medical: illness, dental, disability, therapy
  • Educational: tutoring, literacy, after school programs

First round applications must be filled out entirely and are due by midnight on June 13, 2025.

Please limit your response to 500 characters.

Is your organization a past SCC grant recipient? If so, please click here to access the grant evaluation form. Evaluations are due at the same time as your grant application.*
Type of grant that best describes your program we will be funding:*
Please limit your response to 500 characters.
Please limit your response to 500 characters.

* Indicates a required field

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