Laps for Charity - Road Course Header

Laps for Charity - Road Course

Friday, October 8, 2021 4:30 PM 6:30 PM
New Hampshire Motor Speedway Road Course

Laps for Charity is your chance to drive your vehicle on one of New Hampshire Motor Speedway’s racing surfaces or experience a ride in the official NHMS pace car all while supporting children in need throughout New England! 

Three group laps on the NHMS road course, in your own vehicle or the official NHMS pace car, is $50 per vehicle and includes a photo in victory lane. For those seeking a more exclusive experience, VIP sessions are available for $150 per vehicle and includes the opportunity to be the only vehicle on the road course during your laps plus a photo in victory lane.

Important Information:

  • The driver must print and complete the Waiver & Release form (link below). You will present this form when you arrive for the event.
  • Drivers must be at least 18 years of age and have a valid license.
  • All occupants of the vehicle under 18 must have a parent present to sign a minor waiver.
  • Vehicles must be street legal.
  • All participants MUST wear a seat belt.
  • Vehicles MUST stay in-line and behind the pace vehicle.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact New Hampshire Chapter Director Danielle Cyr at Remember, your support of this event will benefit the New Hampshire Chapter of Speedway Children's Charities!

Note: We are unable to process donations or event registrations from residents of the State of Washington. We hope to have it resolved soon.